Best Love Whatsapp status in hindi, whatsapp, facebook

When you love someone deeply, then you want to share or express your love feelings for that special person in your life.You do everything for your love whether it is sacrifice and giving respect to uour are some beautifull Love status in hindi and english which will help you in expressing your feelings for your partner. romantic love status
There should only be trust in love, the whole world does doubt.
No matter how long it takes, all I want is you.
love status english
I cannot even complain to the Lord about you, my own heart turns against me.
We will support you at every turn of life, no matter how far away you are, but we will always be near your heart.
To be happy thinking about what we cannot get is also love.
love whatsapp status
It is not my wish to get you, it is my journey to see you happy whole life.
You are not my stubbornness which is fulfilled; you are my heartbeat which is necessary.
Never think that I do not remember you, you are the last of the night and the first thought of the morning.
No matter how much times may change, but my love for you will never change.
love status hindi
, beautiful love status, love status Whatsapp, love status for fb,cute love status, cute love status hindi. Uske siva ye dil kisi or ko chahe ye mere bas mein nahin, Ye dil hi uska hai, apna hota to baat kuch aur thi♥
love status hindi main
Source : Love status in hindi
क्या करूँ मैं इस दिल का, धड़कता तो मेरे सीने में है, मगर सुनता तुम्हारी है।
love status for girlfriend in hindi


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